Sunday, August 21, 2005

It’s Lunacy................... Must be something in the air. The calls have been hot and heavy. Just the way I like it. My callers have to be the coolest. So hot!!! Like the weather. Throw a full moon in to the mix and I get; Wham! Bam!! Fuck me man!!! and really everyone, or nearly everyone, has been so nice. So considerate and polite. Most haven’t minded wandering off topic a bit now and again. We discuss politics and technology, sex and the weather too. It’s just a couple of new friends chatting. I love that. I know people are more than the sum of their parts. People or more than just their penis or vagina or tongue. Sometimes just shooting the shit with someone can be quite a relief. It’s all how it’s placed in one’s life. One’s personal priorities, perspective and self image and the way we relate and deal in the world. It’s easier to talk to strangers or a bartender or a hair stylist about some things than it is family or friends/co-workers. Firstly we might be a little less afraid of being judged. And secondly it’s not like we are going to lend them money or they’re marrying into the family. There’s a distance and at the same time a certain space we deal and relate to some people in. I’m honored to occupy that space for some people. A space where people aren’t afraid of being judged plus where they have a sympathetic ear and an understanding kindred spirit. I am a person that my friends can talk to. Always have been. I’m famous, or infamous some might say, for being honest without sounding aloof or superior or condescending. And I am luck to have been connecting with folks who are intelligent and articulate. Honestly when I look at the world some days and hear people speak I swear it’s like we don’t live on the same planet. Where in the hell do they get some of their ideas is beyond me.

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