Tuesday, January 30, 2007

---- LOOK BEHIND THE CURTAIN the president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is little more than a figure head in Iran. A little man with a big mouth that is getting more attention than he deserves or is warranted. The real power, the mover and shaker is eerily almost melodramatically refereed to the supreme leader, named Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, this guy is the one who rules in this theocracy<>. This guy hates the west more than anyone with the all the religious zeal of a, well, a zealot. While Ahmadinejad is out front blustering and postering and threatening Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is in his ear whispering.

---- AND THINGS ARE GETTING TENSE as if, taking the bait, frighteningly so Bush as issued a familiar refrain. Why oh why doesn't this shit kickin' poser at least try to talk reasonably with powers and countries that could make life rather more unpleasant in a lot of ways.

Monday, January 29, 2007

DOWNSIDE? Paris maybe doesn't get any money out of this deal.

TO QUOTE NELSON Ha-ha Francis is the very worst kind of bottom feeder. He takes advantage on so many levels it boggles the mind. Both the participants and the purchasers are used and abused by this scum sucker. On a serious note though; in a perfect world we wouldn't have to worry about government intrusion in to our workplace. But the sad fucking fact is that there are a bunch of tight ass bible thumpers in this country who are like any other thug waiting for the perfect victim to come along so as to pounce and pummel. Only what they want to pummel is our civil liberties and constitutional rights. Bad taste isn't against the law, thankfully, but Francis continually pokes the bear with a stick. And I mean if he fucks up just to the nth degree he could take down a lot of good hardworking people with him.

---- IT IS ABOUT TIME the momentum begins to pick up. With the political tide turning hopefully more and more and more people will take to the streets and make their voices heard. Impress in no uncertain terms that 2008 is just a year away and the will of the good citizens of the country will be exercised at the ballot box. War Inc. Is going out of business. Get out there!!! < http://www.unitedforpeace.org/index.php >

---- THE RATS ARE FACING the light of day. The arrogence of this administration and the contempt they hold this country in will bear out. Pay close attention.

Friday, January 26, 2007

LOOK OUT BELOW Everyone I have ever heard of that survived a suicide jump attempt has said that the very next thought after deciding to jump was that it was a mistake. But flinging yourself to death in front of innocent office workers is just plain rude.
---- SOMETHING TO ASPIRE TO Helen Mirren is a classy lady and I want to wish her all the luck in getting what she richly deserves.

Toil & Trouble

THE POT BEGINS TO SIMMER With the I Lewis Scooter Libbey trial starting to play out, albeit behind closed doors, in open court we are beginning to get our first glimpses into what I feel will prove to be the most inept and or corrupt Presidential administration in the short history of these united states. It's long been held by some who should know theat the power structure of the very top election of our present government is not exactly a top down affair. With the aggression, the more obvious relishing of power and greed coming from the number two it is easy to imagine just what we are already seeing coming out in trial of I Lewis Scooter Libbey. Actions running in absolute contradiction to what has been said and put forth as fact. Specifically; what has been put forth as fact was that the office of the vice president was unconcern, even unaware, of Joe Wilson's trip to Niger and what he was aware of was maliciously untrue. This is appearing false. According to Dick's own communication secretary he was very, very, very aware, obsessively so, with any and all criticisms and any and all indications that there was anything less than a cornucopia of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. It is inevitable that the pot of noxious sludge that this administration has brewed is beginning to simmer. Little bubbles appearing on a black slimy surface. Like to the witches of MacBeth the toils and troubles of this nation will soon be revealed. And there's more........ even the goddamn press secretary needs protection from prosecution. Holy shit, what does it say when the press secretary needs a promise from a federal prosecutor that he won't be put on trial just for telling what he knows. It's positively Spartan-like the way these groveling, hanger-ons to the maniacally powerful and greedy are willing to fall on their sword. Now, I'll admit, there is a certain honor in it in a perverse way. But to hide wrong doing and or lying falling on your sword can look just pathetic. After all the power mad don't have any appreciation for their underlings. They expect those who they perceive as lesser than they to happily sacrifice themselves up to the point of and including losing their freedom.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

---- EATING THEIR OWN Even the most rabid neo-conservative attack dogs have begun to dig their way under the fence of the Rose Garden. Even biting the hand that misled (lied to) them. I get the feeling a storm is gathering. This president and his die hard cadre are becoming more and more isolated. The inexplicable thing is that they are digging in deeper. Flatly refusing to acknowledge reality. And at best they see the error (illegality) of their ways, change course 180 degrees and try to make it sound as if it was their idea. If the liberals are ever perceived as being caught flat footed it's because they are stunned by the nightmarish toxic brew of arrogance and ineptitude.

---- BIRDS OF A FEATHER It sure seems she hunts cattle with a high power rifle and scope.

---- A WOMAN'S GOT TO DO WHAT A WOMAN'S GOT TO DO Like getting on a bicycle it only takes a few minutes to get your feet back under yourself. All the best to her.

---- PORN STASHING FOR THE AGES Leads the way for archiving the next Picasso, Hemingway, Spielberg and Mozart.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

---- GO, JACK, GO WATCH JACK BLOW SHIT UP SHOOT, JACK, SHOOT Here's a bunch on the new 24- just for the record. You know I'd be tempted to strap a nuke to myself if I thought Jack would chase me down and stick his weapon in my, ummmm,er, side.

---- YOU WANT TO WAKE UP BEFORE THIS ALARM GOES OFF A witches brew of human foible has pushed to minute hand of the Dooms Day clock to five minutes to midnight- a two minute jump. Set you DVD clock to it.

---- EVERYDAY SOMETHING ELSE points to the obliviousness of this administration. How can they just sit back and watch such a travesty? They really just don't care. If two border guards can go to jail for many years for just doing their job then what kind of protection can we, do we, expect? This administration says we have to be ever more vigilant, more observant while they ignore the flood of people- cheap labor for big business- flood across. Now, worse, they have let an obscene miscarriage of justice cool official efforts to guard our borders. This kind of behavior from the White House added to the upmost in arrogance it has shown now to members of its own party is going to lead to more than tighter, closer over-sight. Protestation of any impeachment talk will be very muted and harder to defend against.

---- FILE UNDER THAT SHIP HAS SAILED FELLOWS In what can be interpreted as a lame, late, and less than lucid attempt at playing by the rules this administration has thought better of allowing itself to tap phone calls without any judicial approval or oversight. Well, they can get warrants from here to eternity and from the man in the moon himself and it won't change what's passed. Or what will be when Congress has had it with play nice time.

---- FOX NEWS- FAIR AND SCHIZOID How is that the same network that rails about the corruption of the moral fiber of this country by showing us each and every example. Let's go to the video tape. Thanks to everyone at Fox with the moral fortitude it takes to watch this time and time and time again.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

---- WHEN MEDIA CRITICS GO TO FAR You know, I don't know about you and maybe it is the way we as the general public and citizens have been treated during the last few years but I for one am really tired of being thought of a stupid, sheep-like, short sighted and gullible. Here we are told that "24", James Bond on meth laced steroids, scares people into a "dangerous climate" and gives terrorists "ideas". It's a fiction. Repeat, the show is a work of fiction. The administration has done its level best to scare the shit out of this country. They have us spying on one another. They are allowing themselves in to our phone calls, bank accounts, mail. They have held people without charges. They have exported people to be tortured. "24" has nothing on the secrecy and invasiveness of the present US government. And it will be a better day when terrorists do get their ideas from Hollywood script writers. If you look at the way a 24 story arc unfolds things happen by happenstance and circumstance. If a super secret government agency relied on luck and was muddled with petty jealousies as much as CTU is and terrorists depended on the dedication of suburban teens and antiquated Soviet era weaponry our biggest problem really would be who's the more powerful; Donald or Rosie.

Monday, January 15, 2007

IN LIGHTENING LIKE FASHION the administration is talking out of both sides of their mouth. Or out their ass is more like it. They say the war is the president's purview and his alone. Take a breath then say; the other side has no coherent plan. They say there is no viable alterative then say they'd disregard any proposed summarily. That's bullshit of the highest order. From Fox News Sunday; Cheney said the most dangerous blunder would be to give up on the global fight against terrorism because the United States has decided the war in Iraq is too difficult. Who said anything, anything at all about giving up on the global fight?!? Fight the fuckers. Fight the fuckers smart, dick. Iraq is not and never was smart. Sending other people's children to die in a meat grinder of another country's civil war is criminal.

And all the while plans are, no doubt, being assessed as to military action against Iran and/or Syria. White House says no attacked "planned". Parsed that means they are not planning to attack. Is there a plan regarding how to attack Iran. Sure as shit there is. From ABC'S "This Week" Host George Stephanopoulos: "So, you don't believe you have the authority to go into Iran?"
Steven Hadley, National Security Advisor: "I didn't say that. This is another issue. Any time you have questions about crossing international borders, there are legal issues."
Hell is coming for breakfast, everyone.

----WHY DON'T PEOPLE LISTEN????? What Senator Boxer said was neither Condi or herself have a personal stake in the war. That's all. No more, no less. Didn't question her integrity. Her intelligence. Her choice of living the life as a political careerist. It was a true, simple statement of fact. The conservatives are trying to spin this, playing the victim. They're more than happy to escalate the war but cry like sissies girls when they perceive (or manufacture) a slight. The only other choices are they are being disingenuous or just plain stupid. Further; Using a little know power referred to in documents obtained through FOI Act as imagination a select copy of pages from Condi's diary have been obtained.

---- NOT DRESSED, DON'T TELL How come the military insists on casting aside perfectly qualified personnel? We are, after all, everyone of us naked under our clothes. We come into the world naked and we leave it the same way.

----CHIP, CHIP, CHIP That's the sound of your civil liberties going away.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

---- GOOD FOR HER!!! In a world full of pathetic, transparent face saving, selfish double standards it's refreshing to see someone pick up, move on and, symbolically at least, say, yeah assholes, it' me and if that's the way your gonna treat me then KISS MY PERKY LITTLE ASS!!!

---- TO NOT HEED LEARNED ADVICE...... is irresponsible too. And no matter what the Democrats propose as an alternative will be rejected summarily as cowardly or unpatriotic or traitorous. So he goes on as disingenuous and duplicitous as always.

---- ANOTHER ROUND, PLEASE, FOR THE LADY. The shots, cheap as they are, just keep coming.

---- LEGALIZE IT, NOW THERE'S A THOUGHT Now all the nay sayers, goody-goodies, poo-pooers and Bible thumpers can convienantly connect cocain to prostitution. Now if we as a society were to condemn every profession that has been attached, infused, associated with blow well..... we'd start with lawyers, CEO's, don't forget professional sports, oh and doctors and day care, etc., etc you get my point. Am I excusing it? No and hell no. It's a dangerous destructive thing. Like oh say booze and tobacco. Do we criminalize those because of the effects and costs to lives and industries? Nope. Do we condemn the professions of alcoholics and nicotine addicts? No, silly. But you see, in the goody-goody world, it's just logical to say prostitution attracts criminal elements involved with such things as coke. See the double standard? As to legalized prostitution. 1) Uniform oversight and enforcement of industry wide standards. 2) Such oversight would make prostitution more attractive to responsible entrepreneurs with no tolerance for drugs in the work place. Drugs are everywhere and that as to be dealt with as a separate issue across the board not used as a club to beat down human nature to want to fuck for fucking's sake.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

---- 21st CENTURY FUN. Is this he new shape of orgasms? Anybody try this little ditty? Packs neatly in carry on luggage (carry on the International Space Station) The tireless folks ar FleshBot have already road tested this baby. Available through Walgreens. Uh?!?!? Who knew?

---- TASTE MAKER? You decide. At least it harkens back to the good ‘ol days of rock and roll. Update 5:00pm Eastern; I don't know who to feel more sorry for. The less than foresighted behavior of the celebrabrainless or their seemingly self diluted spokes people.

---- IF HE DIDN'T HAVE BAD LUCK he'd have no luck at all. That is, of course, if he's telling the truth.

---- THIS IS A CRIME NOW?!? "Clients allegedly paid the women with gifts from luxury boutiques." An official admitted though "...........giving of gifts could complicate efforts to prove the women were prostitutes and not simply friends." Yea, maybe.

---- IT'S GETTING TOUGH TO MAKE A LIVING OUT THERE. Along with France (see above) and Atlanta now it's Houston, and New Jersey. These cases involve Russian billionaires, a former Federal prosecutor and a real estate agent. Clients are a virtual roll call of high power, high profile careerist's. Why oh why can't it be understood that people have always and will always engage in commercial sex. Grow up. Get used to it. Resources could be doubled and brought to concentrate on the real crimes of exploitation in the world.

Friday, January 12, 2007

---- YEP

---- BIG TROUBLE IN THE ATL; How do people have to fuck up so, so badly?

---- Scofflaw ALERT!!!! Seems the ever critical Ms. Ann is not so discerning when it comes to herself.

---- COUNTRY CLUB CALL GIRL UPDATE; Look out johns!!!!

---- SAY IT AIN'T SO; The indefectible National Inquire reports dear sweet child of the night Lindsay is already showing signs of wear and tear.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Surge. Surge my ass. I am so very sick and tired of being taken for a fool. Call it what it is. A desperate, dangerous escalation of war that will accomplish nothing but killing more of our best, bravest and brightest. As a nation we have been put in an untenable, unavoidable, prolonged ass rape. Our place in history has been forever altered and things will continue to change for the worst. This plight upon us has occurred at the very most unfortunate time. Emerging powers will pass us by and we will be dictated to more and more overtly in the coming decades. Future generations will never know the respect and admiration of ours.

---- RIGHT IDEA, WRONG WAY. Now LA is looking in to banning trans-fat. I really hate the idea of bans. How can we expect people to take more personal responsibility for their actions while the government keeps stepping in and telling us what we can and cannot do. It's a contradiction. If you live off trans-fat and get fat, morbidly obese, and you get sick, don't blame Mickey D's, or the King, or the Hut. If people allow their lives to be turned over to the government little by little nothing good will come of it. I have always been of the mind that this is not a country of victims as it sometimes sounds lately.

---- MOUNTAIN PROPERTY FOR SALE. Great location. Interesting history. Think of the possibilities for fetish film production. $78 million is not that much to a lot of people. I don't know any of them but they are out there and some can be quite kinky. That I do know.

---- LIKE A SLOW MOTION TRAIN WRECK. I have to start with the disclaimer; I am no fan of Trump. Lately though his acume at playing Rosie like a big fat double bass has set my spirit singing. And now to bring Baba into the fray. Well, it's cosmic balancing at it finest. Rarely have three people who deserve each other so richly been brought together so perfectly.

---- TRUE COLORS. That scum sucking, bottom feeding pimp Simon Cowell has finally let the extent of his ignorance show.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


---- THE GOOD. I was way out in front when it came to seeing through her selfless facade and pegging her as a slave to the limelight. But now that it seems to be a national sport to bash her sartorial ways I'm fully in her corner.

---- THE WAY GOOD. When its good it sounds like it.

---- THE NOT SO MUCH. Please, a little common consideration. This is what web cams are for.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Lights, camera, call girl

---- The intrepid DA of Gwinnet County, GA is saying that this week there will be more arrests in the Country Club Call Girl case. Now will they be clients or will they be soley the women? Ladies and gentlemen of the potential jury, I ask you, does she look like a criminal?

---- Here we go. Another opportunity for those who don't know to blah, blah, blah on and on about something they don't know anything about. So before things get out of hand read. December 11 announcement. Sundance Fim Fesitval.

Few have seen the film but that won't stop them from shooting their goddamn mouths off.

Monday, January 08, 2007


--- Having it both ways can be fun in bed but when the government tries to bend the public over without even a kiss to cover up the misdeeds of a few in power...... well, that cat don't nap.

--- Right Idea, wrong execution. What insight do the tapes have to offer. The truth mayhap?

--- Oooops. The alien craft appeared one ordinary day. Huge beyond words they blotted out the sky and cast a shadow that was death. They spued water. Water of all things, water. Hot, scorching and heavy. We were doomed without hope. Our Bad.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Big Games


Where's the Little Black Hard Drive?

Been following this prostitution bust out of Atlanta. High end op, run out of huge million dollar house in a golf neighborhood. Prices ranged from $500 dollars to $10,000 for a weekend. Classy and by all accounts fairly low key. Now the DA says he's going to go after the clients as well as the women. ....................... to quote the AP story; The brothel's customers included doctors, lawyers and businessmen, and they, too, could face charges, the district attorney said, in a warning that could make men jittery across Atlanta and beyond................. Right. Let's do some quick math. High end brothel in a large, metropolitan corporate city with a full quiver of professional sports teams and cutting edge technology, teaching, medical and research facilities. By and large, in other words, it could be said Atlanta is a little more white collar and academic than the norm. It will be very interesting to see how this plays out. It is easy to imagine private phone lines, you know the ones, the numbers that are to be called only in case of emergency?, have been ringing all weekend.

This latest episode serves, once again, to shine the bright light of objective scrutiny on this country's schizoid attitude towards all things sex. Prostitution in particular. Prostitution is part and parcel of this society. The millions of dollars spent and the demographic cross section of its patrons indicate an example of a thriving industry. The country, our society hums along quite happily until it becomes common knowledge. Then all of a sudden it is a disgrace. Shocking! Shocking that this kind of thing goes on. The shame, the recriminations, the guilt. All so unnecessary.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

This is good to see

but tell me someting I don't know. This was in the New York Times on December 31

It is Awards season again.......... good luck to everyone

Friday, January 05, 2007

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Could we please, as a civilized, empathetic people, please stop the harassing and haranguing of the misunderstood among us? Thin (more or less), rich, and forever under our purview, Brit, Lindsay, Paris, et al, are surely deserving of better from us groundlings. We need those on a pedestal if for no other reason than to get a better view. Really, the aversion to underwear should be more than enough of a reason to endear them to us one and all. They accept themselves for who they are, why can't we? After all there is true evil walking amongst us this very minute.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Something’s, thankfully, don’t change. God is still talking to Pat Robertson (God knows why). Whew, in a world where good old fashion communication can be non-existent Pat and God are have a wide open pipeline. God tells Pat that there’s going to be “mass killing” sometime near the end of the year. Why God isn’t going to do anything to stop this he didn’t say. Pretty safe to say that this head’s up will not be forgotten. Nobody is going to be surprised if it doesn’t play out. If Pat’s past divinely gleaned prognostications are any guide- God is a lousy guesser.

High Noon

There is a new sheriff on the hill. She doesn’t have all the time in the world. After all our new good friends have precious little time to prove themselves and they better be right smart about it. First the busy work. Get some of the easy, no brainer things out of the way. She is, hopefully, really pissed and not in too much of a Kumbaya kind of fucking mood. Tight well run oversight and cutting, incisive investigation will get the job done just fucking fine.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

This is a good example of what is wrong with the thinking of some of the tight ass’s in DC. The mouthy, ignorant, self important bigot VA Republican Virgil Goode, is raising all kinds of hell about the determent of a duly elected Congressman, Keith Ellison- MN, the first Muslim to be elected to Congress, using a Quran to be ceremonially sworn and saying that unless immigration is tightened “many more Muslims will be elected” and follow Ellison’s example. The ironic part? Ellison is using a Quran once owned by Thomas Jefferson. Clearly indicating that one of the great founders of this country outshines, over 200 years later, the dim mindedness of some of the elected people in Washington.

A new year. It really is as good as time as any to take a run at this again. It's not that I don't have anything to say. I do, I do. Maybe too much goes on. You know, information overload. ‘06 was a nearly off the fucking rails as anything I can remember in my time on this earth in this life. And as 07 begins the bloated, swollen corpses of the misdeeds perpetrated over the last five and a quarter years have begun floating to the surface of our collective awareness. This, I believe, will continue. Civil and personal liberties, bound, gagged and tossed into what was ignorantly thought of as a deep dark hole will break free of those bonds and kick out the doors they've been locked behind and regain the bright light of day.