Sunday, January 07, 2007

Where's the Little Black Hard Drive?

Been following this prostitution bust out of Atlanta. High end op, run out of huge million dollar house in a golf neighborhood. Prices ranged from $500 dollars to $10,000 for a weekend. Classy and by all accounts fairly low key. Now the DA says he's going to go after the clients as well as the women. ....................... to quote the AP story; The brothel's customers included doctors, lawyers and businessmen, and they, too, could face charges, the district attorney said, in a warning that could make men jittery across Atlanta and beyond................. Right. Let's do some quick math. High end brothel in a large, metropolitan corporate city with a full quiver of professional sports teams and cutting edge technology, teaching, medical and research facilities. By and large, in other words, it could be said Atlanta is a little more white collar and academic than the norm. It will be very interesting to see how this plays out. It is easy to imagine private phone lines, you know the ones, the numbers that are to be called only in case of emergency?, have been ringing all weekend.

This latest episode serves, once again, to shine the bright light of objective scrutiny on this country's schizoid attitude towards all things sex. Prostitution in particular. Prostitution is part and parcel of this society. The millions of dollars spent and the demographic cross section of its patrons indicate an example of a thriving industry. The country, our society hums along quite happily until it becomes common knowledge. Then all of a sudden it is a disgrace. Shocking! Shocking that this kind of thing goes on. The shame, the recriminations, the guilt. All so unnecessary.

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