Monday, January 15, 2007

IN LIGHTENING LIKE FASHION the administration is talking out of both sides of their mouth. Or out their ass is more like it. They say the war is the president's purview and his alone. Take a breath then say; the other side has no coherent plan. They say there is no viable alterative then say they'd disregard any proposed summarily. That's bullshit of the highest order. From Fox News Sunday; Cheney said the most dangerous blunder would be to give up on the global fight against terrorism because the United States has decided the war in Iraq is too difficult. Who said anything, anything at all about giving up on the global fight?!? Fight the fuckers. Fight the fuckers smart, dick. Iraq is not and never was smart. Sending other people's children to die in a meat grinder of another country's civil war is criminal.

And all the while plans are, no doubt, being assessed as to military action against Iran and/or Syria. White House says no attacked "planned". Parsed that means they are not planning to attack. Is there a plan regarding how to attack Iran. Sure as shit there is. From ABC'S "This Week" Host George Stephanopoulos: "So, you don't believe you have the authority to go into Iran?"
Steven Hadley, National Security Advisor: "I didn't say that. This is another issue. Any time you have questions about crossing international borders, there are legal issues."
Hell is coming for breakfast, everyone.

----WHY DON'T PEOPLE LISTEN????? What Senator Boxer said was neither Condi or herself have a personal stake in the war. That's all. No more, no less. Didn't question her integrity. Her intelligence. Her choice of living the life as a political careerist. It was a true, simple statement of fact. The conservatives are trying to spin this, playing the victim. They're more than happy to escalate the war but cry like sissies girls when they perceive (or manufacture) a slight. The only other choices are they are being disingenuous or just plain stupid. Further; Using a little know power referred to in documents obtained through FOI Act as imagination a select copy of pages from Condi's diary have been obtained.

---- NOT DRESSED, DON'T TELL How come the military insists on casting aside perfectly qualified personnel? We are, after all, everyone of us naked under our clothes. We come into the world naked and we leave it the same way.

----CHIP, CHIP, CHIP That's the sound of your civil liberties going away.

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