Friday, January 26, 2007

Toil & Trouble

THE POT BEGINS TO SIMMER With the I Lewis Scooter Libbey trial starting to play out, albeit behind closed doors, in open court we are beginning to get our first glimpses into what I feel will prove to be the most inept and or corrupt Presidential administration in the short history of these united states. It's long been held by some who should know theat the power structure of the very top election of our present government is not exactly a top down affair. With the aggression, the more obvious relishing of power and greed coming from the number two it is easy to imagine just what we are already seeing coming out in trial of I Lewis Scooter Libbey. Actions running in absolute contradiction to what has been said and put forth as fact. Specifically; what has been put forth as fact was that the office of the vice president was unconcern, even unaware, of Joe Wilson's trip to Niger and what he was aware of was maliciously untrue. This is appearing false. According to Dick's own communication secretary he was very, very, very aware, obsessively so, with any and all criticisms and any and all indications that there was anything less than a cornucopia of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. It is inevitable that the pot of noxious sludge that this administration has brewed is beginning to simmer. Little bubbles appearing on a black slimy surface. Like to the witches of MacBeth the toils and troubles of this nation will soon be revealed. And there's more........ even the goddamn press secretary needs protection from prosecution. Holy shit, what does it say when the press secretary needs a promise from a federal prosecutor that he won't be put on trial just for telling what he knows. It's positively Spartan-like the way these groveling, hanger-ons to the maniacally powerful and greedy are willing to fall on their sword. Now, I'll admit, there is a certain honor in it in a perverse way. But to hide wrong doing and or lying falling on your sword can look just pathetic. After all the power mad don't have any appreciation for their underlings. They expect those who they perceive as lesser than they to happily sacrifice themselves up to the point of and including losing their freedom.

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