Sunday, February 15, 2009

No Such Thing As.............................

OK, now this guy, Yiga Azrouel works, asshole deep, in the fashion industry. So he knows the value of hype and how to generate any kind of buzz (or act out as it's phrased in pre-school) he wants. Although, and I'm not casting any aspersions here, he should be one of the last to have any objections to having Ashely Dupre at his show. Hype, buzz, trend, are the air, food and water to fashion. Plus if she is seen waring any of his designs, particularly as she is "rehabilitating" her image, it would only be a good thing. As far as I'm concerned, the mere fact she is looked upon unfavorably by any one is silly, puritanical, and even hypocritical. But I won't get started on the sex negativeness of the USA- not here anyway.

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