Friday, November 07, 2008

Clinging? More Like a Paniced Death Grip

So the folks that were most offended, or annoyed as gun shopper Mike Warner, 38, of Las Vegas phrased it in this New York Times piece, by President-elect Obama's comment about people's feeling towards their guns and their religion, rush out in some record numbers in response to a hereto for unknown and unexpressed desire to curtail gun rights and buy said guns. Surely not in a clingy way, though.

Bush/Cheney/Rove really has turned this country into a bunch of little wussies afraid of their own government. The last eight years of the now former administration and their criminal disregard for checks and balances, separation of powers, and, oh, the Constitution, has, especially for the under informed amongst us, eroded faith in our system. The most basic tenants of our Republic have been forgotten by some (stolen in a sense) even in the face of a display unprecedented and envied the world over.

That will now begin to change if people are willing to see.

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