SPEAKING OF WHICH..................................... he's so big on signs from above. What does he make of this little message?
SPEAKING OF WHICH..................................... he's so big on signs from above. What does he make of this little message?
DC MADAM.............. thank Christ that the other stiletto has dropped. Or has it. ABC News revealed no new names from the little black phone record of Deborah Jeane Palfrey. Now maybe this can move on in a little less circus-like atmosphere and we can get to real reason why a federal prosecution is bring brought against this woman. Of course we can't forget that Ms. Palfrey can, and intends to, call some of the clients as witnesses. And it will be interesting to see if they get any immunity. To some relief I find that the fact that most of the conservative pundits who care to intone about this say that it matters little who, what, where and why people employ an escort service. Although their knee-jerk response to even the potential of names on the record might be seen as conservative and hence more than likely hypocritical is interesting. Conservatives have such a way of denying even the most basic inclinations of the human condition (with the exception of killing and lying). So now the loudest gas bags are left out there, having preemptively bemoaned the fact that ABC was going to selectively release just conservative names, with really nothing to speak to except that, you know, really, what a person does in his/her private life should pretty much stay private.
DEAR MY BFF EVER...... got to get a clue sweetie. Let's make a list. The short one. Karmic matters being left for another time.
TOPPING ON TOP................... A banana split by any other name, eh?
Just the yummy stuff.
YOU, SIR, ARE A CAD.................... It's good to see that at least the notion of well mannered murder is still in vogue in thet last bastion of, well, manners. A law speaking to duels.
Hi y'all. How 'bout that my accent is coming along right fine. Right fine indeed. What has shaken me to the point of setting my fingers to the keys after such an extended dry spell?
IF IT'S SPRING TIME...........Our government. And sex. The combination of the two. And not our girl from Atlanta. More on that as I catch up. Monday morning saw a woman with the name Deborah Jeane Palfrey , a name that strikes one as Rockwellesque, a name you can almost hear carried through the summer air and past window screens followed by "come get your supper" or "the dog got out" or "stop picking on your brother", a woman who has been pushed into a corner, a woman whose hand has been forced by this government, has, it appears, the need to call out the names of others in her own defense. And those names may very well be very well known. The sex part of the tale is really less than half of the story. Why has this women been targeted and by whom? She, to this point, is the only person charged. What she's being charged with, racketeering, by definition requires the actions of two people- at least. None of the women she had had working with her and none of the clients who used the services of those women have been charged. Ms. Palfrey has made it clear that she needs to have some clients come to her defense. It's not blackmail as someone asked her during Monday morning's statements. "I call that due process of law," said Montgomery Blair Sibley. It is her right, her obligation really, to defend herself. This country, as you know, is still very puritanical. The clients will be either shamed silent or they will be shamed if they speak up. And there's nothing to be ashamed about. Deborah says she did nothing illegal. The clients will more than likely say they did nothing illegal. The women will say they did nothing illegal. So where's the shame. The shame is in the fact that anything connected with sex, and commercial sex in particular, sometimes by law, is shameful. There's more shame in the fact that it is possible that this may very well disclose even more rampant hypocrisy. One of the names to come out already has a ring of hypocrisy. Randall Tobias, according to a Wkikipedia listing; In his capacity as Director of Foreign Assistance, Tobias encouraged sexual abstinence, and discounted the use of condoms, in preventing HIV/AIDS. "Statistics show that condoms really have not been very effective," Tobias told a news conference in Berlin on April 21, 2004. From ABC News.
You know how this would go away? If this society would just get over themselves and let people be people then there would be nothing to be worried about. It could be said "sure, yep, that's my number on her call list. I went to a brothel, I had fun, I'll probably go back, OK?. Now let's get back to important things. Like isn't there a war being fought or isn't Paris Hilton going to jail or something?" Wouldn't that be a wonderful world. Or at least a wonderful, small part of it?
There's a little box up in the left hand corner of page one of the New York Times that proclaims "All The News Fit To Print". In a yet another long over due nod to the kinks in all of us the venerable Gray Lady laces up her best leather spiked heeled thigh highs and as at the old tired mores with a good old fashion, nipple clamped, electro-shocked, over-the-knee spanking. Good press, nothing like it.