Saturday, January 13, 2007

---- 21st CENTURY FUN. Is this he new shape of orgasms? Anybody try this little ditty? Packs neatly in carry on luggage (carry on the International Space Station) The tireless folks ar FleshBot have already road tested this baby. Available through Walgreens. Uh?!?!? Who knew?

---- TASTE MAKER? You decide. At least it harkens back to the good ‘ol days of rock and roll. Update 5:00pm Eastern; I don't know who to feel more sorry for. The less than foresighted behavior of the celebrabrainless or their seemingly self diluted spokes people.

---- IF HE DIDN'T HAVE BAD LUCK he'd have no luck at all. That is, of course, if he's telling the truth.

---- THIS IS A CRIME NOW?!? "Clients allegedly paid the women with gifts from luxury boutiques." An official admitted though " of gifts could complicate efforts to prove the women were prostitutes and not simply friends." Yea, maybe.

---- IT'S GETTING TOUGH TO MAKE A LIVING OUT THERE. Along with France (see above) and Atlanta now it's Houston, and New Jersey. These cases involve Russian billionaires, a former Federal prosecutor and a real estate agent. Clients are a virtual roll call of high power, high profile careerist's. Why oh why can't it be understood that people have always and will always engage in commercial sex. Grow up. Get used to it. Resources could be doubled and brought to concentrate on the real crimes of exploitation in the world.

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