Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Grassley to Probe Porn
Sen. Chuck Grassley, the ranking member of the Senate Finance Committee has launched an extensive probe into the amount of time and resources spent by workers at the National Science Foundation indulging in online adult entertainment. According to a 68-page semiannual internal report the NFS initiated seven investigations and had "numerous reports" of the use of NFS IT in the never ending search of quality wank material. Sen. Grassley wants all pertinent documents. Why he can't get his own porn is another question. It's not surprising, naturally, that an exorbitant amount of time is being spent on porn. Mix human nature with the appeal of "forbidden fruit" add a dash of intolerance at home, throw in some cases of thrill seeking and or a lack of impulse control for flavor and what you get is a big old fashion Senate investigation stew. Although when that time spent allegedly translates into hard cash- $58,000 worth in a one case of a single senior official then some corrective measures need to be taken. Not that those good folks should stop buying. Just, you know, do it on your own time. Cam girls need to keep working too.
Sen. Grassley is also on another important mission. Investigating the snake oil salesmen, the frauds, that call themselves prosperity ministers and the sideshows they don't pay taxes on.
Rational Paranoia
There has been some doubt cast on the idea that the hard cores, the worse of the worst, the fanatics, radicals, and jihadist are, well maybe, not so much. Sure a few have gone back to the club. That's to be expected, right? I mean, they're pissed. Gitmo is a lot of things. A rehab has never been listed as one of them. Again numbers in the hands any old hold outs from the Bush years are as fluid as the ocean and as mailable as putty. And as is pointed out the rate of recidivism here in the U.S. for prisoners who have been released is more than 65 percent. As I travel the Interstate to and from Atlanta or Washington or Philadelphia, especially through rural tracts, I'm not nearly as worried that the tanker truck next to me is being driven by a bombing mad fanatic. I concern myself listening for any funny engine knocks or feel for a tire going flat and being stranded. I remind myself that flashing red's and blue's in my rearview may not be as they appear. I think more about how uncomfortable it could be living close to the interstate so far out in the countryside. I mean I don't sweat blood or lose any sleep over this but you have to admit the interstates are prime real estate for serial killers, escaped prisoners, drug smugglers, kidnappers, et al. Any of whom may be quite capable of terrifying, or worse, anybody the feel the need to. So with the politics of and rule by fear being deflated to a reasonable level maybe we can become once again a nation of rational paranoia.
Guantanamo Bay,
Washington DC
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Extreme Reaction to Extreme Porn
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adult entertainment,
Veggie Love Banned
but boner medicine still gets wagged in our faces. The good meaning folks at PETA have taken us to a place unlike any magic garden I've ever be in. It's a place where a woman's love of things natural reaches heretofore heights of Ecstasy not seen outside of porn valley. Vicky's secret seems to be in large part serviced by the Jolly Green fellow's impressively proportioned serving size. And how she delights in the noble effort to protect the bovines and swine of the world from placement on the menus of carnivores. I don't know how effective this latest push will be (although being rejected from the Super Bowl telecast will help). A lot of folks will gain an appetite for one thing or another. Most likely breasts, thighs and rump will figure prominently.
You be the judge and don't forget to put your napkin in your lap.
'Veggie Love': PETA's Banned Super Bowl Ad
Please, could I have some more?
'Veggie Love': PETA's Banned Super Bowl Ad
Eat up everyone!!!
You be the judge and don't forget to put your napkin in your lap.
'Veggie Love': PETA's Banned Super Bowl Ad
Please, could I have some more?
'Veggie Love': PETA's Banned Super Bowl Ad
Eat up everyone!!!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Pastor Had Another
The face of hypocrisy. Ted Haggard is once again (surprise!!!!) explaining why his mega-church's insurance company paid monies to a 20-year-old male volunteer at The New Life Church in Colorado. "This was compassionate assistance. It was to help him move forward, not a settlement to keep him quiet," the Rev. Brady Boyd, a senior pastor at the church, said Monday. He then states his response to the victim's desire to go public because Haggard was playing the victim in a upcoming HOB documentary was to remind him that going public would be in violation of the agreement he signed with the church.
Haggard's behavior is particularly egregious in like of his protestations against gays.
Haggard's behavior is particularly egregious in like of his protestations against gays.
Now We're Getting Somewhere
It's been fairly common knowledge, rarely admitted too though, that the adult industry has lead the way in technical and business models that more "mainstream" entertainment industries have been overly cautious about. Actually there is few other things in the US of A more mainstream than adult entertainment. One of the reasons any cutting edge industry is such is an awareness and willingness to return to the future. Submitted for your consideration; 3D porn.
adult entertainment,
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Duck and Uncover
Nothing brings new meaning to full contact stripping like an errant boot to the face. I've known more than a few who would gladly pay to have a well used boot smack them in the face. They would have to beg me and not be innocently standing by. While not as nearly absurd as the missing pants lawsuit and given that strip clubs are not really a "you-buy-your-tickets-you-take your-chances" kind of places one doesn't expect to get clipped in the face either. At least not with a flying boot. So let's all hope that there can be an equitable settlement so we don't wind up having to sign liability release forms every time want see the lovely ladies of dance.
Painful? I Think So
Penile Fracture. Who knew? I mean I guess it's not something that comes up in general conversation. Well, in most people's general conversations. I've never had one break on me and God knows I've been less than gentle with the boys on occasion. And, why, I've been told of erections so rigid they were suitable for driving nails. If, that is, you can believe the man on the other end of said erection. I'm going to keep a 4x4 and some nails handy from now on. Put up or shut up, men.
Testy? I Think Not
A little peek behind the curtain. The press and the President spend many, many long pressured filled hours together. The relationship is adversarial by nature, professional by necessity. The press on one side of the podium needing as much information as they can get to feed the 24/7 beast that is the news industry and the White House on the other, hopefully this time around, trying to keep us as well informed about the doings of our government as is reasonable. Knowing when to press and when to back off can go a long, long way. Here we see Johnathan Martin of the Politico ziging when he should have zagged by pressing the new President about policy during a situation that was little different than a social call. President Obama's handling of the questioning has been described as "testy". I think not. More like a firm and plain explanation that he was not there to answer questions. Perhaps the compulsion to pounce is a left over knee-jerk reaction the Bush administration when even when reporters got answers to their questions the answers weren't always the truth.
The gist @ 3:30
The gist @ 3:30
Washington DC,
White House
Friday, January 23, 2009
The Symbolism is Spot On
Update; Another voice focusing on the RNC
While I can't claim any knowledge of Sarah Palin other than what is generally available I can attest to the fact that she was, in retrospect, conspicuous by her absence. By that I mean when I lived in Anchorage, Alaska, she was just another small town mayor. Wasilla is a small place with typical small town issues and intrigues. Personally the only real use for the place was to pick up the (up-priced) goods I forgot to get in Anchorage for my trips to the Interior of the state. I had some very good friends in the local media (production people) and even they had non-opinions of her with the usual exception that she was the hottie mayor. Really, even by 2012, if she's not completely irrelevant, she will be known for her whining and spinning and as always the woman with rather expensive tastes in clothing. And now we are hearing* that the RNC is storing those expensive togs in trash bags. The symbolism is spot on.
* "a source close to... and "a spokesman" are not two of my favorite things. They do, however, sometimes provoke a reaction that is more complete
Sarah Palin
That's right. It is what it is. And guess what? The world hasn't spun off its axis. We're not spinning to a fiery doom into the sun. A lesson in perspective.
Russian skater Ekaterina Rubleva was the model of composure when the effect of centrifugal force took it's undeniable course during the European championships in Helsinki, Finland, 21 January 2009. Her and skating partner Ivan Shefer didn't miss a beat. They finished 12th.
A Journey of a Thousand Miles
Of the myriad of corrections the Obama administration must make the one lifting the ban of U.S. funding for international family-planning groups providing abortions or even counseling and information relating to abortions. The so called "global gag rule" has been batted back and forth in to and out of effect since 1984 when the policy was instituted by Ronald Regan. Again those on the ground, the people on the front lines fighting against ignorance, crushing poverty, abuse, those trying to dignify and educate human beings and help lift others to a better life will now be, in some small way, better able to do what people do best.
women's rights
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Isn't there something fundamentally wrong when CEO's engage in nothing shy of abhorrent behavior? A greed and selfishness, a total lack of ethics of this measure of depth and breadth demands some manner of recompense. granted the bright burning light of security is a good start. These personalities, though, capable of this kind of indulgence are tone deaf to the din of public scorn. They must be dealt with in a way that they understand on a visceral level.
The Days Called One & Two
Executive orders are being signed before my very eyes. Close Gitmo, no more torture, and the formation of a task force to review detention policies and review individual cases. These are vital, far reaching orders that will begin us down a path that will lead to a return to our prominence in the world as a moral beacon. Now, the chicken hawks and the sky is falling babies will cry the we will now suffer a horrendous attack. The al Qaeda navy will now storm our beaches and their air force will drop bombs and troops on our very heads and we will have to fight them here instead of there. As we gain our rightful reputation back the world will work with us against those who are against a peaceful world.
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