Wednesday, August 24, 2005

People Less Than Genuine

Oh my, it was bound to happen............................ The biggest asshole yet called today. You know, you hear it happens to others. You can expect it, though you don’t dwell on the inevitability of running across an asshole. You can’t be braced for the insults all the time. Sets a defensive frame of mind counterproductive to the fun and games we’re here for. Occupational hazard I guess. And I will follow my own advise and not dwell on the big fat stinking steaming pile of loser here either. Besides it’s such an infinitesimal number of assholes compared to the gargantuan number of absolute sweethearts (call it the asshole to sweetheart ratio or ahl:swthrt = like a 1 to a billion) it defies my ability to ruminate on the losers for very long at all. So when they come your way you just do your best to let it roll off your back. It gives me a chance, I know, to appreciate all the honey’s that I do speak with. You all so sweet.

Speaking of assholes.......................................... yikes, where do I start? W’s speaking to yet another user friendly crowd just now. How difficult it must be to keep to the impossibly deluded party line. Saying the same shit over and over and over and over again in complete denial of the facts. The people of this country are getting war weary and it starting to show in the polls. The discontent will continue to grow as we get closer and bloody closer to 2,000 Americans killed. And now with the 2006 mid-term campaigns ramping up you will see more and more of a propensity of the Republicans to eat their own. W will get awfully lonely in the next year or so. And Pat Robertson? Wow. It’s not so much what he said this time. The thought of a clean antiseptic assassination is appealing but he forgets the extent of his profile. He has positioned himself to represent a certain segment of the religious and political population. He’s free to say whatever the fuck he wants but he’s got to be prepared to pay the band if he’s gonna dance. Here’s the tune from today; “I didn't say 'assassination.' I said our special forces should 'take him out.' Here’s Monday’s song and dance; "If he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think we really ought to go ahead and do it," said Robertson on Monday's program.

Wow he’s so much more articulate than I.

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