Thursday, September 08, 2005

The Morning After

The Morning After...........................The last eight days have been a convoluted roiling mass of light and dark. Heroism, selflessness, sacrifice are words that come to mind time and time again. But so do stupidity, ineptitude and evil. Out government (NOTE; don’t blame me, I didn’t vote for the asshole). Disaster response and preparedness, are separate and different animals. Preparedness starts at the bottom or local level, and works up. And there is little people outside N.O. and the state of LA can do about the government that did prepare to get the people without transport out of the city. But the disgraceful and disturbing cluster-fuck that was and is the response of Homeland Security and FEMA has to be addressed. It was put succinctly this morning; put people before procedure.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Things are Begining to Spin

What a perfect storm of politicizing, posturing and spinning. On the tremendous upside; the calvary has arrived, things are excruciatingly slowly slipping into place. There’s a momentum and rhythm and routine to the relief efforts setting in that means somehow, someway, sometime soon things will be on the path to whatever the new reality that is New Orleans will be. There’s more and more pictures coming out of the zone showing calm, professional behavior and simple human compassion. I’m going to believe it’s genuine but at the same time I’m cynical enough to know that the cameras are in tow as much as possible. Regardless it’s heartening to see and means the world to the victims of this catastrophe. What’s going to happen, I’m afraid, is that the fucking politicians are going to wade in a fuck this thing all over. The Democrats have to be careful not to over play this, the Conservatives are a defensive bunch as it is and the well cry like little girls that the Demo’s are playing politics. If that’s not playing politics I don’t know what is.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

It's Getting Worse

It's Getting Worse.......................Things are literally falling apart in NO. Civil unrest is rising and hampering rescue efforts. National Guard and even military are well on their way and we can only hope they get in place and impose civility before the unrest becomes massive and gains momentum and horrible things begin to happen.

N.O., oh, no

Life Imitates Art................................... The apocalyptic situation in New Orleans is as disturbing a scenario as can ever be imagined. So many of the scenes playing out have been anticipated for years. Computer models and common sense predicted just this sort of thing. Not that there was much anybody could. I mean, N.O. has been there forever and over the years painted (or built) itself in to this corner. I don’t understand the long term systemic denial. The lack of an overriding generational like minded thinking that allowed for some sort of progressive, evolutionary moving not just away from the water but to higher ground. As infrastructure was rebuilt and replaced, factor in the inevitability of a direct hit from a strongest possible storm. Which, it should be noted, that as strongest possible storms go, Katrina was a weak one and N.O. was missed but a cat’s whisker by the very worst of the very worst. Only adding to the virtual scope of this catastrophe is the societal nature of N.O. It is a fully realized and functioning urban environment with a full cross section of 21st century America unlike the more residential nature of a lot of coastal regions.

Speaking of societal phenomenon; looting. What the fuck?!?!?? OK, people are hot. People are hungry, people are thirsty. People are scared shitless. Their world looks like a disaster movie, their world feels real. Taking food, water, even OTC medications is really understandable in a world that appears to have come to an end. But when you’re waist deep in slug and it’s only getting deeper and there is no electricity within 50 miles why the fuck do you need a bag full of fucking sneakers or a flat screen?!?? Guess what. You fucking don’t. Looting has to be one of the most repugnant and fascinating of human behavior.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

People Less Than Genuine

Oh my, it was bound to happen............................ The biggest asshole yet called today. You know, you hear it happens to others. You can expect it, though you don’t dwell on the inevitability of running across an asshole. You can’t be braced for the insults all the time. Sets a defensive frame of mind counterproductive to the fun and games we’re here for. Occupational hazard I guess. And I will follow my own advise and not dwell on the big fat stinking steaming pile of loser here either. Besides it’s such an infinitesimal number of assholes compared to the gargantuan number of absolute sweethearts (call it the asshole to sweetheart ratio or ahl:swthrt = like a 1 to a billion) it defies my ability to ruminate on the losers for very long at all. So when they come your way you just do your best to let it roll off your back. It gives me a chance, I know, to appreciate all the honey’s that I do speak with. You all so sweet.

Speaking of assholes.......................................... yikes, where do I start? W’s speaking to yet another user friendly crowd just now. How difficult it must be to keep to the impossibly deluded party line. Saying the same shit over and over and over and over again in complete denial of the facts. The people of this country are getting war weary and it starting to show in the polls. The discontent will continue to grow as we get closer and bloody closer to 2,000 Americans killed. And now with the 2006 mid-term campaigns ramping up you will see more and more of a propensity of the Republicans to eat their own. W will get awfully lonely in the next year or so. And Pat Robertson? Wow. It’s not so much what he said this time. The thought of a clean antiseptic assassination is appealing but he forgets the extent of his profile. He has positioned himself to represent a certain segment of the religious and political population. He’s free to say whatever the fuck he wants but he’s got to be prepared to pay the band if he’s gonna dance. Here’s the tune from today; “I didn't say 'assassination.' I said our special forces should 'take him out.' Here’s Monday’s song and dance; "If he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think we really ought to go ahead and do it," said Robertson on Monday's program.

Wow he’s so much more articulate than I.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Rosie’s a picture of one of my dearest friends.

It’s Lunacy................... Must be something in the air. The calls have been hot and heavy. Just the way I like it. My callers have to be the coolest. So hot!!! Like the weather. Throw a full moon in to the mix and I get; Wham! Bam!! Fuck me man!!! and really everyone, or nearly everyone, has been so nice. So considerate and polite. Most haven’t minded wandering off topic a bit now and again. We discuss politics and technology, sex and the weather too. It’s just a couple of new friends chatting. I love that. I know people are more than the sum of their parts. People or more than just their penis or vagina or tongue. Sometimes just shooting the shit with someone can be quite a relief. It’s all how it’s placed in one’s life. One’s personal priorities, perspective and self image and the way we relate and deal in the world. It’s easier to talk to strangers or a bartender or a hair stylist about some things than it is family or friends/co-workers. Firstly we might be a little less afraid of being judged. And secondly it’s not like we are going to lend them money or they’re marrying into the family. There’s a distance and at the same time a certain space we deal and relate to some people in. I’m honored to occupy that space for some people. A space where people aren’t afraid of being judged plus where they have a sympathetic ear and an understanding kindred spirit. I am a person that my friends can talk to. Always have been. I’m famous, or infamous some might say, for being honest without sounding aloof or superior or condescending. And I am luck to have been connecting with folks who are intelligent and articulate. Honestly when I look at the world some days and hear people speak I swear it’s like we don’t live on the same planet. Where in the hell do they get some of their ideas is beyond me.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Ring................ring.......... Wow is this phone sex stuff cool. As you may or may not know I am Speaker at NiteFlirt. That’s the best job description for phone sex yet if you ask me. I’m a Speaker. Invokes images of a mystic, a shaman “speaking” of things beyond the beyond. Far be it for me to make light of what I do. I do accept my responsibilities and take them seriously. I have long been a student of the human condition. Been interested in the in’s and out’s of the human psyche since college and earlier, really.

High ‘Em High........................ Dennis Rader’s BTK killings sentencing hearings are going on today and will for the next few days. In this world today as more and more people of position and responsibility are ducking responsibility or simply refusing to take responsibility for their actions or the consequences of their actions. Serial killers are obviously insane. Anyone who plans and executes a deliberate taking of another human life is insane. We have to decide through jurisprudence if the killer is sane enough to exercise free will and keep himself from killing. Rader has displayed an abundance of ability and made many, many decisions to facilitate his killings. Once that is determined- sane but capeable of free will there is only one punishment befitting murder.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Just Stuff

Had such a nice weekend......... Of course it wasn’t so much that it was a weekend. Frankly, if I had to choose when to work and not, I’d work the weekend. If you’ve got yourself anything other than a service related job, so you don’t have to deal with the pedestrian public, working weekends is really pretty cool. But this small respite from my web presence was nicely timed and well deserved if I do say so myself. I got out and about, down to the River St. for a walk about. It was supposed to be very hot but a good breeze was up and being a late Sunday after noon, not too many people.

Meanwhile down on the ranch....................The grieving Mom is still getting all the attention she deserves. W still hasn’t met with her as of this writing. I just hope she’s not being taken advantage of. I support her and her right and back her message fully. But in this day and age a healthy dose of skepticism keeps one from being too disappointed by a blind sided revelation that yes there are scum bags capable of minipulating causes I belive in for spiteful reasons and they are not above taking advantage of people to do it either. Regardless of any nefarious goings on is there hope that this might be the catalyst that could spark a larger, nation-wide anti-war protest movement? I think I see the possibility. There are as many as a thousand vigils planned for tonight across the country.

Friday, August 12, 2005

If W truly sympathizes with Cindy Sheehan, then how is it the Bush daughters aren’t serving in the military in some capacity? And speaking to the fact that W has met with Sheehan; there is no one way to deal with grief, no timetable. She may have felt whole after speaking with W but as time went by she realized that her son was dead and that for her a few words of sympathy from the man that instigated her boy’s death was not enough to sustain her for the rest of her

Sure NARAL was out of line but at least they pulled them as opposed to the Swift Boat Veterans.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Open Roads

I just can’t think of another time in my life that I have mistrusted a presidential administration less than this one. When Rummy gets up there at the podium and says, in no uncertain terms (a major change in policy in and of itself), that the bombs intercepted at the border are professionally made and from Iran I just have to be suspicious. They may very well be, and probably are, but I need to hear it from somebody I trust. Not the Bush administration. And that fact alone is both disheartening and frustrating. And how about that pork laden highway bill W signed yesterday. Yikes, what bullshit. You can smell the bacon. $286.4 billion, good way to reign in spending.
Here I am Posted by Picasa

Links Fixed

Yipeeeeeeee and yawhoweeeeeeeeeeeee Now you can hear me and see me. Follow 'dem links!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

My damn links are'nt working. Ah well learn and live live and learn. I'll get the bastards working. Please stand by.

Before I get too far along with my thoughts, views and news I need to tell you that this is a place where you’re just as likely to see and hear material that can be classified under sex, sexy and sexual as you are to see and read news and views on the myriad of issues that come to my attention on nearly a minute by minute basis. You know good clean naughty fun. Grown up kids playing grown up games. Let’s face it. As we age our addiction to life, as addictions are wont to do, spur in us a need for more and more input of our drug of choice to attain the high we’ve come to depend on. If, like me, and pardon the cliche, you enjoy the rush that full contact involvement in life gives me, than you know something of my love for the edgier things in life. There are a few important qualifications of course and those will become apparent. Suffice it to say for now I don’t shy away from the different and original. I have a need to go on up the road a bit farther and a compulsion to look around the next bend in that road, around the next corner, over the next rise. OK? OK. Now you’ve been give a broad idea of what you’re in for. That’s as close to a predictions as I’m going to dare about the size and content of this blog.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Welcome good readers one and all. I wish I had something dramatic, dynamic, damning, delightful or delicious way to inaugurate this brand new adventure. But alas, it’s not to be. No big bang. No blinding light of insight cutting deeply to the heart of some convoluted contemporary issue. Nope. None of that. And no predictions about this blog, either. No way. I don’t know how this is going to work out. We’ll see. To paraphrase the Bard; read on MacDuff and damned be that first cries, "Hold, enough!"